A not-so-crafty Spoonie's DiY project

Painsomnia. Pain in my legs, back, shoulders... you name it. So tired and yet, sleep won't come. The day after one of my last really bad painsomnia nights I made a trip to the Dollar Tree in search of a few things to be kinda creative with and came up with this. I'm by no means a crafty chick. I'll have awesome ideas come into my head and then end up just hot gluing my fingers together. This was simple enough though and super cheap to accomplish.

I wanted something to sit on my desk and remind me that even if this handful of spoons is all I have to use in a given day to assign to tasks- I can make each one fabulous. Taking a shower- play my favorite songs and sing along while I'm in there. Actually blow drying and flat-ironing my hair- smile at myself in the mirror and take plenty of selfies when I'm done. Going to the store- celebrate it as a victory! Working- make someones day better with kindness and empathy. I might not be able to run marathons, accomplish my entire to-do list often but I can do what I can do with a bit of flair!

I grabbed 8 spoons (sold in 2-packs, so that's $4) and 1 small vase ($1). I already had beads, shells, paint, paintbrushes, glitter nail polish....

I just painted each spoon with two coats of acrylic paint and once they were dry I added a coat of a super glittery nail polish to each. I grabbed a handful of mixed beads and tiny shells from my jewelry supplies box (I make handmade earrings for myself and friends sometimes) and put them in the vase then arranged the spoons. Grabbed a random couple of sprigs of something floral and voila!

  How do you make each spoon spent fabulous? Do you have reminders to do so? Share with me!

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